'Northumbrian Water'
Water Treatment Proposal
The Development Trust is seeking to make public as much information about Northumbrian Water's plans for the development of new sewage teatment facilities in the area. It is hoped that the website will help to keep people up to date with developments.
The Trust and the Parish Council have retained Hugh Fell, of George F White's, to provide advice in respect to this issue. Hugh and his colleague Andrew Pinny, have produced a briefing note to explain where we are up to.
Briefing Note from Hugh Fell & Andrew Pinny, November 20th 2008
The deadline for submitting an objection to Northumbrian Water's Compusory Purchase Order (CPO), on November 12th 2008, has now passed. The Trust's letter of objection is available on the following link:
The Trust's letter objecting to Northumbrian Water's CPO, 23rd October 2008
Northumbrian Water's response to the objections raised
Northumbrian Water have provided packs of information about their CPO proposals to all of those with a direct interest in the land,in question, such as the actual owners. In addition, they have made a number of packs availabe to the community by fastening them to lamposts etc. They have also placed packs in the Cottage Inn and the Craster Tourist Information Centre. However, their proposals cannot be found online.
Compusory Purchase Order (CPO) Public Enquiry
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public local inquiry into this matter will be held by Mr Robert Lyon MA, CENG, MICE, MRTPI, FIHT at Craster Memorial Hall, Whin Hill, Craster, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 3TP on 24 March 2009 at 10.00am........ More Details
Compusory Purchase Order (CPO) Confimed June 5th 2009
The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has now confirmed the compulsory purchase.......More Details
Email from Andre Pinny September 17th 2009
"The Special Parliamentary Procedure which NWL have to go through due to them utilising a public open space is taking longer then originally thought; subsequently the last up date news on the timing of the works within the village I have, is that this will not be taking place until Winter 2010.
Should this situation change I will inform you as soon as I know. We are currently chasing NWL to get the licences agreed, hopefully saving time in the lead up to the works next year."
Letter from defra regarding the parliamentary status of the Compulsory Purchase Order to Northumbrian Water's solicitor which was passed on to the Craster Community Development Trust dated October 23rd 2009
"As you know, the resolution period on the Special Procedure Order relating to the above Compulsory Purchase Order expired on 17 October 2009. This letter is to confirm that the above Compulsory Purchase Order has therefore passed through Special Parliamentary Procedure without receiving any petitions against it or an annulment resolution being made. This marks the end of the Parliamentary proceedings on the Order and there are no more statutory obligations on the Department.
The Order will now come into effect and the High Court appeal period begins 6 weeks from the operative date being 18 October 2009. You may consider informing those affected by the Order of this process."
Update from Northumbrian Water - November 11th 2009
"This will involve the development of two new pumping stations at existing outfall sites at Southacres and Dunstanburgh Road, which will pump flows to an improved sewage treatment works at Dunstan.
The compulsory purchase order passed through the special parliamentary procedure in October and we are now in a position to obtain the necessary land and other rights required to progress this scheme in September 2010.
Some preparatory work, involving constructing a new site access road at Dunstan STW will begin week commencing Monday 16th November 2009 and will take two weeks to complete.
Separate work to upgrade and screen a combined sewer overflow in private land off the Jolly Fisherman public house is to begin on Monday 11 January 2010 and will take up to six weeks to complete.
Residents in the affected area have been notified in writing.
If you have any queries contact Northumbrian Water Customer Centre on 0800 717 1100."
Ian Lumley Northumbrian Water Investment Team Leader
May 2010 - Planned Road Closures
Dunstanburgh Road (all of):
Main works:
Road closure required:
Start: 13th Sept 2010.
Finish: 2nd Nov 2010.
Intermittent deliveries where we will need to close the road will run up until 28th Feb 2011.
West End (from junc. Of Dunstanburgh Road to junc. Of Norwell Brow):
Two way temp. traffic signals required:
Start: 20th Oct 2010.
Finish: 22nd Nov 2010.
West End (from junc. Of Norwell Brow to outside Craster Sewerage Treatment Works):
Two way temp. traffic signals required:
Start: 13th Sept 2010.
Finish: 23rd Dec 2010.
West End (from outside Craster Sewerage Treatment Works to junc. Smithy Court):
Two way temp. traffic signals required:
Start: 9th Aug 2010.
Finish: 17th June 2011.
Compound location for the duration of the project is north of the Craster Sewerage Works.
Background Information
In order to ensure that as many as possible have access to Northumbrian Water's proposals, some of their information pack has been scanned and placed on this site.
The first three files are maps that can be saved (by right-clicking and then 'save as') and viewed using the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.
Map 1 - Dunstanburgh Road
Map 2 - South Acres
Map 3 - Dunstan
Northumbrian Water's 'Statement of Reasons', which gives an overview of their proposals is on the site as a Microsoft Word document.
Northumbrian Water's 'Statement of Reasons' (Word)
Northumbrian Water's planning application can be accessed on the Northumberland County Council website.
Northumbrian Water, Planning Application 06/00154/CCMEIA
Advice about the CPO process is available from the 'Communities and Local Government' website |