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Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes



Special Meeting held in parallel with the Parish Councils of Embleton and Newton-by-the-Sea.


Monday 6th October 2014
Main Hall of the Creighton Hall, Embleton, 7pm.


Chair     Neville Fawcett. (Embleton PC)
Vice Chair    Bryn Owen. (Craster PC)
Clerk     Helen Brewis.
Embleton Parish Council    Adam Moody, Terry Howells, George Skipper, David Morgan, Gordon Coxon. & Kim Bickerton (Clerk)
Craster Parish Council    John Gallon, Richard Pearson, Joyce Shaw, Pauline Baird, Elizabeth Pearson, Margaret Brooks & Alan Punton.
Newton Parish Council    John Roper, Bob Foster-Smith, Alistair Simpson, Kate Cairns, Barbara Cato & Derek Gerrard.
In Attendance:    Dr. David Francis (NALC), Jill Irving, Gary Little, Michael & Margery Taylor & Pam Owen.

The meeting was opened by Cllr George Skipper as chair of Embleton, the host Council. He stated that the objective of the meeting was to resolve various issues relating to the management of the Cemetery

He introduced to the meeting Cllr Neville Fawcett, Chair of the EJBC and Cllr Bryn Owen, Vice Chair. Cllr Fawcett then thanked Cllr Skipper and explained that the Councillors present would divided into their respective Councils and each Council would discuss and resolve four issues relating to the work of the EJBC. Dr David Francis was at the meeting to provide professional advice on the legality of the proceedings.

Cllr Owen then thanked those present for coming and the presented a slide show relating to the EJBC and examining the issues on which the individual Parish Councils had to reach agreement.

The presentation covered the history of the cemetery, its governance the management of the Cemetery House. The power-point file of the presentation is attached to these minutes.

Following the presentation there was an open discussion of the various issues.

The question of the headstones was discussed and it was reported to the meeting that NCC had undertaken a preliminary survey and had suggested that 130 headstones needed attention. They would undertake a comprehensive survey for £195. It was reported that Amble Cemetery stake and band any suspect headstones. It was pointed out that the owners are responsible for them, but that it is difficult to locate living relatives who are prepared to pay for the work.

On the question of Embleton becoming the host council Dr Francis informed the meeting that there are a number of burial facilities run by clusters of Parish Councils. In 1974 they had to change from Burial Boards to Burial Committees. As the Committee is a sub-structure of 3 Parish Councils the EJBC is not a legal in its own right and therefore cannot enter into legal agreements. The Audit Commission insist that the accounts of joint committees are run separately and subject to separate audits. Hence it is necessary to have a host Parish Council that enters into contracts and is responsible for contacting the Secretary of State for permission to borrow money. As one Parish Council takes the lead agreements need to be in place to make sure payments are underwritten by the other Councils.
If the Parish Councils cannot agree on a specific point then it may be referred to the County Council for mediation or to work towards the separation of the Parish Councils.

Cllr Cairns asked Dr Francis if the Burial Committee associated with his Parish had a cottage and he replied that they do not have one at Felton

It was stated that Embleton pays the largest part of precept and has 3 councillors on committee. The current division of costs is Embleton 56%, Craster 27% and Newton 17%.

The question of the ownership of the house was raised and it was indicated that it was an asset of the three parishes. The current caretaker, Jill Irving, has lived in house for 28 years. In 1974 it was transferred by Act of Parliament from the old Burial Board to the Burial Committee. There is no paperwork indicating the split of the ownership.

To renovate the house the EJBC, through the host Parish Council, is eligible to borrow money from the Public Works Loan Board at a fixed interest rate of 3% for 15 years.

Cllr Elizabeth Pearson stated that prior to the meeting she had not been aware of any of the information presented to the meeting. The Cemetery means a great deal to her and it now looks like a business that we’ve taken on.

Cllr Fawcett, said that he had been on the committee for some time but that the state of the house had not been deeply examined. The operation of the EJBC was costing the Parish Councils £7k a year, but by doing work on house and running the Cemetery in a more business way it will break even.

Cllr Roper asked about the grass cutting costings along with NCC costings and whether the grass cutting had to go out to tender. He expressed concerns that if Gary and Jill do not secure the tender then the work scope and rent be negotiated together. Cllr Owen said we have to go out to tender to ensure we were getting value for money. Cllr Roper indicated he was very happy with Jill’s work and that we need to tender for the market price, but not forced to take cheapest option.

Cllr Richard Pearson indicated he thought it had been an excellent presentation, but that the Committee and Parish Councils had not been kept in loop. He indicated that he thought there was another option and that was to carry on as has been done before. We had to be careful with public’s money.

Cllr Coxon asked is what has been happening that was not legal. Dr Francis indicated that once a host council had been sorted out the new practice of having meetings had addressed that issue.

Cllr Fawcett stated that cannot continue as we were before because we were spending a great deal of money and house not fit to rent out.

Cllr Elizabeth Pearson suggested we ask local builders to look over house and why we cannot go gradually. Cllr Fawcett indicated that we need to get a bill of works defined so we know what work needs to done and will then be in a position to put the work out to tender. New windows and porch had been installed at the house and the road at the cemetery tarmacked but nothing done in house.

Cllr Howells said that carrying as we have been doing leaves the Parish Councils to pay out 7K a year.

Margery Taylor asked about the proposed increase in standard charges and was informed by Cllr Owen that the new charges were about a third of Northumberland County Council costings.
Pam Owen said that it would be useful to forget the past and look forward. No one here wouldn’t thank the people who have worked in past, but now need to look at best for future and work together. She expressed her thanks to people who are working now.

Cllr E Pearson thought that things should be shown to all of the committee members.

Cllr Cato asked if on a Joint Burial Committee is there a veto mechanism. Cllr Owen said there is no right of veto, it is a majority decision and two Parish Councils could over-ride the third.

Dr Francis said that the day to day running goes via committee, but if all three Parish Councils could not agree on a big financial decision then NCC could be asked to mediate.

Dr Francis considers that fee adjustments, insurance, architect survey should be dealt with in house by the committee. Large changes should be referred to the three Parish Councils.

Cllr Owen stated that at the last meeting of the EJBC the resolution was passed to go out to tender for architect but the officers did not want to spend this money without Parish Councils being on board with the house renovation. The clerk sent a letter concerning financial costs. Craster & Embleton Parish Councils approved the decision but Newton vetoed it. The officers considered that there was no point in holding another meeting of the EJBC without having agreement of the 3 Parish Councils to the renovation. The officers have done over 200 hours work and the purpose of the presentation was to ensure nothing was done behind people’s back.

The surveyor who had been met by Cllr Owen the previous day had been arranged by Cllr Cairns.

Cllr Simpson said that now we had two quoted, while at Newton’s meeting there had only been one.

Cllr Baird asked why the other committee members could not have been given the information in advance of the meeting and Cllr Owen indicated that they only received it on the day before.

Cllr Cairns asked what rent paid at moment and was told that currently it was a peppercorn rent of £1 per month, but after the renovation it will then go up to £450.  She asked whether it fell into HMRC regulations. Dr Francis has seen the contract of tied accommodation, but still lawful HMRC more concerned that the right taxes are in place. She had asked at County Hall and stated it was not entirely legal as HMRC could be losing money as tied cottages don’t go through tax and that £1 was just a peppercorn rent. In the future Jill is to be paid for work carried out and to pay a market pay rent.

Cllr Morgan thanked Cllrs Fawcett and Owen for the work on the presentation and believes the work done is fabulous. He considered he did not need to be in loop and the meeting should be positive. We need to look to look forward and solve the problem on its own merit.
Each Parish Council then consider the four resolutions put in the presentation.

Resolution 1 :
The Council resolves that Embleton Parish Council shall be the host of the EJBC.
Proposed : Cllr Gallon, Seconded : Cllr Punton
Passed unanimously
Note : the other two Parish Councils also passed this resolution.

Resolution 2
The Council endorses the adoption of the existing Terms of Reference for the EJBC.
Proposed : Cllr Shaw Seconded Cllr Baird
Passed unanimously
Note : the other two Parish Councils also passed this resolution.

Resolution 3
The council endorses the policy of the EJBC to manage the cemetery without subsidies from the Parish Councils.
Proposed : Cllr Gallon Seconded Cllr Punton
7 in favour 1 abstention
Note : the other two Parish Councils also passed this resolution.

Resolution 4
The Council supports the policy of the EJBC to renovate the cemetery house and will apply for approval for a loan to enable this to be implemented.
Proposed : Cllr Owen, Seconded  : Cllr Baird
Cllr Elizabeth Pearson expressed concerns about making the payments and has always erred on the side of caution.
7 in favour 1 abstention
Note : the other two Parish Councils also passed this resolution.

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