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Craster Parish Council


Agendas & Minutes



Minutes of NWL CPO Public Meeting

Monday 23 rd March 2009
Village Hall 7pm

Chairman Alan Punton.
Clerk Helen Brewis.
Parish Council Members Joyce Shaw, Michael Gibbs, Michael Craster, Michael Taylor, Elizabeth Pearson & Keith Williams.
George F White Hugh Fell & Andrew Pinney.
Members of the public Mr & Mrs Doherty, Mrs M Taylor, Mrs H Punton, Mr K Brown, Mr J Gallon & Mr M Oxley, Mr Aynsley & Mr C Armstong.

Apologies for absence DC Carol Grey & Joan Angus.

NWL current offer:- Plot 10 - £13,000 (no dispute)

Plot 11 - 13 calendar months rent at £300 per week.

No deal has been reached with NWL although there is still a chance for tomorrow morning before the Inquiry begins at 10am. NWL are not budging over their belief that they can get all the work carried out and the play pitch re-instated back to public use within 13 months. They are not willing to consider our request for the rent to be over 24 months with additional 6-month increments if necessary.

It is disappointing that a deal could not be reached with NWL, considering our only objection is their re-instatement statement and because we are not objecting to the actual scheme we are not putting them in a position where they would have to redesign it.

Could NWL be planning on using the South Acres grass if our objection stands in their way – could this be their default plan? Although even if they did use South Acres grass they would still need to go over the play pitch to reach their works so the CPO would start again.

Hugh voiced his concern about parking issues etc and any disputes about the re-instatement, we need a Working Method Statement and without this commitment we won’t be able to hold NWL down to rectify problems. NWL are using Contractors to carry out the work, which will create problems concerning who we need to contact if there are any arising problems.

At the Inquiry NWL will need to prove that it is reasonable for them to issue CPO’s to take the land they require. If we could reach an agreement with NWL then the Inspector wouldn’t need to intervene and our licence would stand.

If NWL are granted the CPO they will have to pay for the land and we would have to buy it back from them, but there is a covenant on the land and it can’t be used for anything other than a play pitch. Both Ward Hadaway and the Inspector have a copy of our latest licence and there is a great deal of paperwork for Ward Hadaway to put together. Hugh anticipates that the Inspector will ask them what the problem is with our request because we have no objection to the scheme but they haven’t agreed the terms.

Are we in favour of continuing our Objection to the CPO at the Inquiry?

For: 2

Against: 0

Abstain 2

Elizabeth Pearson & Keith Williams declared an interest.

If no settlement can be reached Alan Punton as Parish Council Chairman will put our case forward to the Inspector, we support the project but our concern is the proposed length of time and the re-instatement, we are hoping that NWL will reassure us.

The Parish Council thanked Hugh & Andrew for attending tonight’s Meeting.

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